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2024 Bengali Marriage Dates From Panjika, Shubh Wedding Muhurat in 2024

Chcekout the 2024 Bengali Marriage Date from the Panjika, Some of the most popular months for bengali weddings are Baisakh, Jaistho, and Aashar. Here find the information on Shubh Wedding Muhurat and bengali panjika 2024 marriage dates and time for future planning.
Bengali Marriage Dates in 2024

Table of Contents

Marriage is a sacred union in Bengali culture, and it is important to choose an auspicious date for the ceremony. The Bengali calendar, or Panjika, is used to determine auspicious dates for all major life events, including marriage.

There are a number of factors that are taken into consideration when choosing a Bengali marriage date. The most important factor is the nakshatra, or lunar mansion, of the bride and groom. The nakshatra is believed to have a significant impact on the couple’s future happiness and well-being. Other factors that are considered include the day of the week, the month, and the year.

In 2024, there are a number of auspicious dates for Bengali weddings. Some of the most popular months for weddings are Baisakh, Jaistho, and Aashar. These months are typically warm and sunny, making them ideal for outdoor weddings.

According to the Bengali calendar 2024, the Bengali marriage dates will start from January this year. Astrology and Bengali Panjika 1430 are seen in the rituals of Bangla or before doing any auspicious work. Marriage is not just one, but a relationship of seven births, so according to Bengali customs, seven rounds and she is taking seven vows around the groom to get married. In Hinduism, the horoscope (कुंडली) of the bride and groom is mixed before marriage. But for some reason, if you could not find the horoscope, so here we are going to provide complete information about the Bengali marriage dates (बंगाली शादी मुहूर्त 2024) and auspicious time coming in the wedding muhurat 2024.

Bengali Marriage Muhurat 2024 from Panjika, बंगाली शादी मुहूर्त 2024

In addition to the date, other factors need to be considered when planning a Bengali wedding. For example, the colour of the bride’s wedding dress is important, as is the type of food that is served at the wedding feast.

If you are planning a Bengali wedding, it is important to do your research and make sure that you are following all of the traditional customs. This will help to ensure that your wedding is a memorable and happy occasion for both you and your new spouse

Bengali Marriage Muhurat 2023 from Panjika, बंगाली शादी मुहूर्त 2023

Bengali Marriage Dates in January 2024

  • 21 January 2024 Sunday
  • 22 January 2024 Monday
  • 27 January 2024 Saturday
  • 30 January 2024 Tuesday
  • 31 January 2024 Wednesday

Bengali Marriage Dates in February 2024

  • 2 February 2024 Saturday
  • 12 February 2024 Monday
  • 26 February 2024 Monday

Bengali Marriage Dates in March 2024

  • 2 March 2024 Saturday
  • 4 March 2024 Monday

Bengali Marriage Dates in March 2024

  • Panchika 1431 not prepared, so we will update soon..

Bengali Marriage Dates in May 2024

  • Panchika 1431 not prepared, so we will update soon..

Bengali Marriage Dates in June 2024

  • Panchika 1431 not prepared, so we will update soon..

Bengali Marriage Dates in July 2024

  • Panchika 1431 not prepared, so we will update soon..

Bengali Marriage Dates in August 2024

  • Panchika 1431 not prepared, so we will update soon..

Bengali Marriage Dates in September 2024

  • Panchika 1431 not prepared, so we will update soon..

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  • Panchika 1431 not prepared, so we will update soon..

Bengali Marriage Dates in November 2024

  • Panchika 1431 not prepared, so we will update soon..

Bengali Marriage Dates in December 2024

  • Panchika 1431 not prepared, so we will update soon..
  • The Haldi ceremony: This ceremony is held the day before the wedding. The bride and groom are covered in a turmeric paste, which is believed to have purifying and cleansing properties.
  • The Mehendi ceremony: This ceremony is also held the day before the wedding. The bride’s hands and feet are decorated with henna, which is a symbol of love and fertility.
  • The Baraat: This is the procession of the groom to the wedding venue. The groom is accompanied by his friends and family, and they typically dance and sing along the way.
  • The Wedding Ceremony: The wedding ceremony is the culmination of all the planning and preparation. The bride and groom exchange vows and rings, and they are officially pronounced husband and wife.
  • The Reception: The reception is a party to celebrate the newlyweds. There is typically food, dancing, and music.
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